Wednesday, May 26, 2010

First Day at Yellowstone May 2010

Our first find was this elk
rubbing her head against the tree.

She looks like she was
treated rough this winter.
Look at the tear marks in her skin.

She gave us a show.

It's great to see an elk in the wild.

Miss Elk posed for the picture and then
she quickly left.

This bison was a bit scruffy looking.

Then we saw Mr. Big Bison!

He didn't stop for me to take his picture.

So we had to follow him
and finally got a picture!
Well Hello Mr. Bison.
Hello Mr. HUGE Bison!

Here are a few bison grazing with their babies.

We thought this was a lot...
but we saw even more later!

The bison walk very slow while the
babies jumped around. It almost
looked like they were dancing.

Here are two elk.

They were a pretty sight!

We were lucky to get so close to this
Bison and her baby.

All the bison came to this open grazing area.

We were amazed to see all of them.

Of course the babies really caught my attention.

It was just a beautiful sight!

Wait for me Momma!

This one was very close to us.

It was great to go in May & see all the babies.

The baby bison are light brown,
while the adults are dark brown.

This Bison sat down....

and then turned on her back and
was wiggling all around.

Then she stood up again & went
on her merry way with her
little one behind her.

I loved the little baby bison!

They were so cute!

Here's a big bison heading to the meadow.

The dinner bell rang and
all the bison came walking slowly!

It was a very big family!

Momma & Baby Bison heading to graze
on some very yummy grass!

The babies stay very close to their Mommies
so they can be protected from strangers
taking their pictures!

We saw so much our 1st day
in Yellowstone Park.
All of these pictures were taken between
the gate and the first turn in the park.
It was a great adventure!


Barry said...

It was an awesome sight. Great shots to capture the day.

Cecily said...

I like the pictures of the baby bison. So cute!

Kelsi {John, Jake, Georgia, Naomi, Alice} said...

wow! makes me want to get in the car and make the trip.